Ten Things that All Employees Want
We spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out how to motivate or engage employees when the solutions have been around forever. The gap is application, not knowledge. This is not rocket science as it's probably similar to what you want for your career:
A fair day's pay.
A steady job.

Occupy This Space
Most people reading this article go to a defined workplace every day. Even if you're a sole entrepreneur like me and consult with clients, you still have your office space, whether it's at work or home.
Your environment always communicates to you. It is never not communicating. Just what is your environment…

Don’t File That Lawsuit!
1 Comment
In 1983, I began my employment law practice, motivated to represent poor victimized employees and help them overthrow their dastardly, villainous bosses. I went all in. Worked 70-hour weeks, out to be the hero. At first, I took on basic cases like sexual harassment and discrimination, and by the end…

Ten Commandments for Inspiring Super-Forecasters
It’s easy to get lost trying to figure out what’s coming next. I listened to an interesting TED Podcast about risk and forecasting and then visited Phillip Telock's Ten Commandments. I encourage you to do the same https://mgmt.wharton.upenn.edu/profile/1390/research
Here’s my summary of the…

Is this the end of hugging in the workplace?
I just read an interesting 9th Circuit opinion https://lnkd.in/gacp9Zg . I can see the lawyers telling us there is now a no hugging rule in the workplace. According to the court "hugging can create a hostile or abusive workplace when it is unwelcome and pervasive".
Apparently the boss in this case did…

Writing and Speaking Ideas Checklist
As you probably guessed I do a great deal of writing and speaking. To check my head I use this checklist. Hope it helps you too.
You can get a PDF of this checklist here.
A strong headline.
A strong opening sentence.
What is this about?
Who is your audience?
How do you hook them?-…

The Future of Work
Ask yourself this: how will AI, robots and other advanced technologies affect the future of my work or that of my loved ones? Am I prepared for it?
Because it will affect us, whether you are 60 and thinking about working for at least the next 10 years or if you are 24 and just getting started in your…

A Profound Conversation about Health and Thoughts on How it Affects Your Culture
I’m a health nut and learn as much as I can about nutrition, exercise, etc. Over the years I have learned much from Dave Asprey and Bruce Lipton.
This podcast is a profound conversation between two of the smartest people in health. When you listen to it think about the following:

There’s Always Something Else Going On
If there’s one thing I know about your employees it is this: there is always something else going on. The workplace it not some vacuum void of external influences. After you watch this video (and you want to watch this video) think about your employees walking around like this and put these thoughts…

Negotiation Strategies
Every day we are negotiating. Whether on a sales call, seeking a raise or dealing with our kids. I recently read James Altucher's book Reinvent Yourself and he shared what he learned about negotiating from his interview with Chris Voss, the former lead hostage negotiator for the FBI. Chris wrote a book…

Down Mexico Way…
So I was in this fun bar in Cabo and what did I see? Their motivational poster! What would happen if you hung this up at your company?

Do You Have Your Hiring Act Together?
“The number one secret to having a great company is to make sure your managers hire great employees.” – Jim Collins
How good are you at hiring? Better than the competition? Most important how good do you want to be? Top 25%? Top10%?
Everyone tells me about how hard it is to find talent…

What Will You Do to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone?
“Only the mediocre are ever truly comfortable.” Paulo Coelho
"If it's not hard, it's soft." - Ice Cube.It is soooo easy to get comfortable. On the couch…and with your job, your company, your marriage, your health, etc.
We all seek comfort and security. It feels so safe. Like being cradled.

How do you know if training produces results?
W. Edwards Deming was once quoted as saying "Don't ask me the ROI on training, you either believe that education has the greatest form of leverage or you do not." His point is this: when you are in a knowledge economy the most learned win.
But that's only one part of the equation…isn't it? It's…

Are You a “Negative Hero”
I know sometimes I am. I know there are times when my intentions are good…but my outcomes are not. That’s what a “negative hero” is.
Think about your parents for a minute. When you were a kid their intentions were good (they did love you after all) but many times they were too critical, judgmental…

The Change is Coming, the Change is Coming!
Sometimes change can feel like some monster lurking in the deep, ready to pounce on us in an instant. Nice calm day one moment, disruption the next.
People are in fact losing jobs…and companies… to AI and robotics and other technologies. But it should come as no surprise.
Woe be the unprepared.…

10 Ideas for Hiring Great Employees
We had such a good response to my post on 10 HR Ideas that I decided to shoot a quick video sharing 10 ideas for hiring great employees.
What would you add to the list? Which idea will you try?
Thanks for your patience. I appreciate those of you who let me know I needed to do some editing…and…

Here’s 10 Great HR Ideas You Can Use Today
I love creativity. Disruption. Differentiation. In fact, I’m going to be the MC for the next DisruptHR meeting in San Diego.
HR has a great opportunity to break past the status quo and to test new theories, strategies and tools. Here’s 10 ideas I came up with. What would you add to the list?…

When Suicide Hits Close to Home
I sense there is a lot of fear and depression going on. And…it can’t be ignored.
While I have never entertained the thought of suicide, that’s not been the case for so many others. And… it’s been hitting close to home the last few years.
A 13-year old boy, who was the younger brother…