Managing the Emotions of Change
Months ago I had the opportunity to present at DisruptHR on managing the emotions of change. You get 20 slides and 5 minutes to do it! Remember the magic words- coax, encourage and inspire!

5 Great Hiring Tools
For many years I’ve been a HR tool maker. Here’s a video about using 5 of my favorites to help with hiring great employees! And, the tools are yours to get below. What hiring tools have you created?
Here are your 5 Free Tools:
Hiring CheckList
Our Hiring Process FAQ

17 Blockages to Being a Great Executive
“First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye.” Matthew 7:5
All humans have their baggage, blind spots and blockages. Unless we recognize and work on them, they can sabotage our careers and relationships. Having been an…

Training that Works Checklist
“Learning is not compulsory... neither is survival.” ― W. Edwards Deming
We are in a knowledge economy. Training and building a learning culture is compulsory for survival.
Use this checklist to make sure you consider all the training variables. Please add to the checklist anything overlooked.

Everything you need to know about Managing Employees on an Index Card
I must admit - I got the idea for this index card after listening to a podcast with Howard Pollack, a professor from University of Chicago, who said that everything you needed to know about building your financial wealth can be written on an index card. The card went viral and he followed up with a book…

Can You Be Free Having a Job?
Jim Altucher is one of my favorite writers. In a recent blogpost, he did his usual spiel about ditching your job so you can free yourself. Challenge is most executives I know have a job and aren’t ready to leave it.
Can you be free having a job? is the question he challenges us with.
I wouldn’t…

How Would You Define Your Company in a Few Words to Job Seekers?
I believe in the importance of branding the employment opportunity. That’s why I found the directory of tech employers on TechMeme to be interesting. Some of them make sense to me; a few don’t at all.
I wonder how they come up with and test these branding themes.
If you ignore the company…

Getting the Blockages Out of the Way of Great HR
For years I have been preaching the opportunity in Great HR. When I do my CEO workshops, I show the financial logic behind the opportunity. I have business owners understand that every HR problem becomes a sales problem. And yet HR still has difficulty getting traction.
In this article, I will talk…

List of Things That I am Grateful For
Sometimes life hands us challenges, and we can become focused on the negatives. One of my practices to counteract that pressure is to constantly remind myself of how lucky I am… and the things I am grateful for.
I put these 25 things I am grateful for on colorful index cards and run through them…

Building Your Conversational Capacity
I went to an excellent Vistage Chair Group meeting and was treated to the presentation Conversational Capacity by Craig Weber. Craig comes from an organizational design and psychology background and has presented to Vistage groups more than a thousand times. He works with large teams trying to improve…

What I Can Control
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
I can control…
What my “story” is
What my values and goals will be
How well I plan my career and life in general
Who my friends are
If I “make…

Maybe leadership should do something about HR… like supporting it.
I've been around the HR and leadership block. For decades it seems like I've read a dozen articles in business publications blasting HR for every article that praises it.
There is great opportunity in great HR. The results of Great HR practices fall directly to the bottom line.
I've coached dozens…

Wellness…Where Do We Go from Here
It seems as if the idea of wellness has hit a brick wall. Its vast promise has not materialized, other than in unique circumstances.
I think the greatest challenge, to paraphrase Lincoln, is that most people (me included) are about as healthy as they choose to be.
Click here to read a report I…

Humor that Works
My good friend Drew Tarvin allowed me to share his humor cheat sheet. You can access here https://www.humorthatworks.com/files/50_Ways_to_Use_Humor_at_Work.pdf
Life is too short not to have fun while you work!

Visualization Techniques for Success
Here are some tried and true techniques for visualizing your future!

15 Ideas for Better Time Management
He who every morning plans the transactions of that day and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life.
― Victor Hugo
I’ve done deeps dives into time management. Here are 15 ideas to help you better manage your time:
Automate It

Balanced Checkup
Are You Staying in Balance?
Click here to take a look at an approach to staying balanced which can change your life…as it did mine.
Here’s to a better sense of balance, Don
PS Planning any fun/cool office parties for the holidays? Please do share!

It’s All About Work
Today’s Political Turmoil- It's All About Work
When I step back from this current election and crazy world events, it strikes me that there are a lot of angry, fearful people. In a recent quiet moment I had an epiphany- I believe all has to do with work and the most basic of human needs.

Optimism – An Essay by Helen Keller (1903)
When looking at world news it is easy to get depressed about the future. More conflict, more environmental damage, widening disparities in wealth and opportunity. Where is the good news?
Fact is, there is plenty of it if you look for it.
In 2009 I was searching for some inspiration I came across…